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The Awakened Feminine Retreat - What Makes This Retreat Special

What makes the Awakened Feminine Retreat special?

This retreat is experiential and transformational, facilitated self-development but unlike any self-development course you have ever attended. This retreat offers genuine tools and processes combined with a variety of practises that can support and deepen your experience of personal reconnection and homecoming; but what makes this retreat different to most is that your journey home to self is guided and safely held by a professional experienced psychotherapist Lisa Angelini.

Lisa is bringing her life's passion for women's self-empowerment and self actualisation to you in a gentle but powerful retreat. The flow of the weekend has been designed by Lisa and her co-facilitator Sarah, to allow you to experience real personal growth in combination with alternative spiritual and holistic practises so that you can connect deeply to self, your own personal values and awaken your authentic feminine self.

Both of your facilitators are trained women's circle leaders who bring elements from a wide spectrum of professional training, skills and experiences. Lisa and Sarah have combined different elements of practical therapeutic processes, ceremony and rituals for personal intention setting, women's ceremonial rites and shamanic practises (and much more) which support, enhance and deepen the personal journey you will take over the course of the retreat.

Your inner journey is balanced with restorative practises and techniques including meditative nature connection, facilitated forest walks and storytelling facilitated by an experienced earth scientist and oral storyteller which allow you to relax, breathe deep and assimilate your experience.

Much of the retreat involves working in a group or a women's circle but there will be some personal time for journaling, solo contemplation and self-care. This is time out from your routine and the demands of your life. The retreat is your gift to yourself, a time to reconnect to your authentic self, to recharge, to remember and embrace the feminine aspect of yourself, truly a home coming.

Awake, alive, loved. Welcome to the way back home sister!

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